Health and Wellness

Healthy Cells, Healthy Immune System, Healthy Body

Our immune system was designed specifically to heal our bodies and keep them healthy. So why are so many failing these days?

There are many factors that cause our immune systems to function poorly - diet, lack of exercise, too much stress and how we handle it, pollutants and contaminants in the air and water, toxins in our food supply, body care and cleaning products among many other factors. But taking our health seriously doesn't have to be burdensome and confusing.

I don't know anyone who wants to be sick or die of disease but sadly that's what is happening to so many people. Death is a sure thing, but disease doesn't have to be.

If you're interested in strengthening your immune system allowing it to do its job, which is to heal your body, then go to Amazing Molecules . Find out how healthy cells make for a healthy body and then contact me!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Chicken Pox builds life long immunity yet the law is mandating a Chicken Pox vaccine that only provides temporary immunity

Laws mandate that 69 vaccinations be given to a child before they graduate!

"It's important to realize that naturally recovering from chickenpox is the ONLY way you can establish longer lasting immunity that will protect you until you come in contact with younger children with chickenpox and are asymptomatically boosted, which will not only reinforce your chickenpox immunity but will also help protect you against getting a painful case of shingles later in life. Merck has developed and is marketing a shingles vaccine but that is an inferior solution." Read the full article...

Watch this short video which is also embedded in the article above and be informed.

~ Lisa
It's a while since I last posted here on my blog though it hasn't been a while since I've been posting health and wellness info. 

In these the last couple of months life has been hectic and I've found that Facebook has been more effective in getting the word out.  I'd like to work on getting this blog noticed more because I know the information posted here needs to get out.  All of the archived posts are still true (truth is truth no matter what the generation and no matter what age we're in). 

Too many of us are trusting in those who do not have our best interest in mind or at heart.  So with that, my next post is about vaccinations. 

~ Lisa