Subscribe and Save saves you 15% on already low priced items and products which are conveniently shipped to you or anyone you choose for FREE with a total purchase amount of $25 or more! And to make it an even better deal, you can sign up for Amazon Mom and save an extra 5% on diapers and wipes.* That's a
****** 20% $avings******
Yes, it's for real. I've been using Subscribe and Save for a number of years now but I just found out about Amazon Mom this week (and I signed up and already saved a total of 20% on diapers and wipes).
Oh, and you don't have to be a Mom to sign up for Amazon Mom! Can't beat that!
*Revised 3/19/2012 - Save an extra 5% on diapers and wipes only.
*Revised 3/19/2012 - Save an extra 5% on diapers and wipes only.
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