Health and Wellness

Healthy Cells, Healthy Immune System, Healthy Body

Our immune system was designed specifically to heal our bodies and keep them healthy. So why are so many failing these days?

There are many factors that cause our immune systems to function poorly - diet, lack of exercise, too much stress and how we handle it, pollutants and contaminants in the air and water, toxins in our food supply, body care and cleaning products among many other factors. But taking our health seriously doesn't have to be burdensome and confusing.

I don't know anyone who wants to be sick or die of disease but sadly that's what is happening to so many people. Death is a sure thing, but disease doesn't have to be.

If you're interested in strengthening your immune system allowing it to do its job, which is to heal your body, then go to Amazing Molecules . Find out how healthy cells make for a healthy body and then contact me!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Sugar exposed!

In this 60 Minutes video, Dr. Gupta explores a not-so-popular truth.  This truth is unpopular not because it's unknown.  It's unpopular because there's a lot at stake if this truth gets out and is believed by the mainstream.  But what is so encouraging is that there are some medical doctors out there who are truly more interested in helping their patients get well than they are afraid of the repercussions.  They are seeing the truth for what it is and are not afraid to say so. 

Sugar as a toxin is the topic of discussion in the video Is Sugar Toxic?  It's important to understand that while some natural, unrefined and unprocessed sweeteners are the best choice, they are still sweeteners and should be used in moderation if not eliminated from the diet especially for those who have cancer and other diseases. 

Just eight years ago when I first was introduced to what seemed like a whole new world of health/wellness/disease, it was difficult to find an MD who would even entertain the idea of going outside of their scope of education.  I see things are changing for the better in this respect.

Watch the video .  Then think about evaluating your daily intake of sugar and look for ways to at least  reduce it.  Every little bit will help.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Coconut Banana Chai Shake: Great shake that is Vegan, Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free but best of all Delicious!

I was at Whole Foods in Plymouth Meeting, PA yesterday and the cashier, who was very sweet (and I wish I asked for her name!) told me about a website she loves for healthy recipes called, ChocolateCoveredKatie.  So I wrote down the website to look it up when I got home.  

When I arrived home from my foodshopping excursion with not a bit of traffic on the eve of Thanksgiving Day at rush hour (and very thankful for it), I decided to look up ChocolateCoveredKatie's website and browse through her recipes.  I found this delicious and easy recipe for a great shake to wake up to on Thanksgiving morning, or any morning. 

With a few tweaks, here's my version of ChocolateCoveredKatie's Coconut Chai Shake that I made this morning for my husband and me.  This shake was DELICIOUS and very filling even according to my husband whose palate is a bit more discriminating than mine. 

For those who don't like banana, you can't even taste it.  This recipe is Vegan and Dairy-Free and Gluten-Free!

Coconut Banana Chai Shakes
Recipe adapted from Coconut Chai Shakes by
Makes 2 servings
  • 1 can full-fat organic coconut milk or the meat and juice of one Thai coconut
  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 2 frozen organic bananas, cut in chunks
  • 1 tbsp Indian chai masala or make the following mixture of organic spices.  Add 1 ¼ tsp of this mixture:  2 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1 1/2 tsp ginger, ½ tsp cloves, ½ tsp cardamom and a dash of pepper which is optional.
  • Sweetener, organic and/or raw is best (doesn’t need it but if you like it sweeter then add 2-3 tsp agave, honey or other sweetener to taste.)
  • A sprinkle of cinnamon for the top
Blend all of your ingredients together in a blender.  Pour into 2 glasses and sprinkle some cinnamon on top.
For ice cream, chill mixture and then make according to an ice cream maker or freeze the mixture and re-blend in a Vita-Mix.  Mmmmmmmm!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Doctored - A documentary you don't want to miss

"Doctored" is a movie documentary that will make you think.  Medical doctors and surgeons as well as Chiropractors and Naturopaths speak about the many myths we've been conditioned to accept and believe.

Doctored is available to watch for FREE on for a limited time (Dr. Mercola is in the movie).  It's truly for those who seek the truth no matter how difficult it is to hear.   This is for all eyes but especially for those who are in or who are going into the healthcare and disease care fields.  Please take the time to watch this movie for you own benefit and the benefit of your family. 

Here's the trailer to preview.

Does Acid Reflux keep coming up?

While away recently in Dayton, PA visiting our cousins, a friend of my cousin told us about a natural remedy for acid reflux that works for her and others she knows.  I can't say if this remedy works because I don't have acid reflux.  So anyone who try this, I'd love to hear your comments and results so please post them.  Here's the recipe - I recommend using raw honey and organic ingredients:

1 quart filtered water
1/2 cup raw honey
1 organic lemon, cut up in chunks
2 inches of fresh organic ginger root, unpeeled

Directions:  Boil all ingredients together for 10 minutes.  Remove from heat and let cool.  Using a strainer, transfer mixture to glass jar and refrigerate.  Drink 1/2 to 3/4 cup each day.  This can be taken on a full or empty stomach any time of day or night.