Does food really matter?
Are you [really] what you eat?
Below is an email I sent to Dr. Stephen Barrett, founder of Quackwatch. I blind cc'd Dr. Lorraine Day as I have in the past so that she is aware of the email, and so she knows I continue to support her efforts.
The movie I mentioned in the email, Food Matters, can be viewed for FREE between October 2nd and October 8th (this is not a trailer, it's the actual movie). You can also purchase a DVD on Dr. Mercola's website for only $10.oo.
I encourage EVERYONE to watch this movie and then pass it on to everyone you know and post it on Face Book, twitter it or whatever it is you do best! :)
Please continue on to read the email to Dr. Barrett:
Dear Dr. Barrett,
I had written to you a couple of times before, the first time being within a year or so of having been diagnosed with breast cancer, now 7 years ago. We went back and forth a bit about how diet and nutrition play a huge role in one’s health. Sadly, at that time, you disagreed and objected strongly to this notion.
I’m not sure what your beliefs are but my belief is that the Lord was responsible for opening my eyes. My mom, who saw Dr. Lorraine Day on television had decided, without fully realizing the impact it would have, to purchase what would later help change the course of my life and the lives of others around me. This, mind you, was just after I had my first and last chemo treatment.
Today I write to you because you come across my mind from time to time and after watching the video, Food Matters, I thought of you again. I pray for you that God would reveal His truth to you about how He flawlessly created our human bodies. God - the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is our Healer and our Forgiver. He designed our bodies so that, when taken care of properly, they will heal. With that, I would like to ask you to watch the movie, Food Matters, made available to watch for free between October 2nd and October 8th.
Please click here to watch and feel free to pass it on (this is the actual movie, it is not a trailer).
Thank you!
Lisa Small
Be more concerned with your character than your reputation because your character is who you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are. ~ John Wooden